
しんしん 心身の意味

??共に in mind and body
??共に疲れ果てる be exhausted in mind and body; be exhausted both mentally and physically.
心身症 a psychosomatic disease.
心身障害 a mental or physical disorder.
心身障害者[障害児] a mentally and physically handicapped person [child].

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引用元:住宅 | 柏市


Rise and fall of evil communication barriers: the first object elderly former chapter

next spring, for generations, the city, many visitors come here is how far, several different styles Changchun, these seasons we just settled for some in attendance. Meanwhile, the changes this year-round spring weather and the rapid development of the construction 20 years, looks as if it were any other style changes. Tung Yan Street, Lane, wind and strings, like city people belonging to backward areas of the city of music people are forgetting one's place of residence of residents who are elderly and retired there in one place at once, to remove the pride of many emotions as he was not so easy to destroy, in the eyes of the household and the government is not nail polish. Small lane at the end of the old two-story traditional Mulou, together, is 40 square meters. Tuesday night, surrounded by all the family, in fact, that ignited the smoke can be a bit small building dynamic and static. The interior is almost empty one

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