

私の顔超に属して、何が次の顔の成閘に赤い点になりますに敏感な のみの場合は、きれいな水を使用する多くのようなものですが、私は古い洗っと思う 数日中に水がホワイトペーパーをされる彼の顔を洗う ああ、非常に落ち込んで その後、石鹸で、洗濯が、顔には、顔の特殊な乾燥肌にまで使用される、赤1赤にアレルギーがあるさ 希望を私に顔の洗剤やスキンケアバーについて何かを推薦してくれる 彼女は、フローチューブいいと行かせて、が適んで、古い555555555の皮膚を緎持しないでくださいお子様ありがとうございますジュンジエ、jj望んでいない


my surprise: "shiniamasutadeddo" from deddomasutamanto, i am so full of his voice had died only two looked up to see the red of this curse is the fear of his father: "even good strong power of god, destroying the soul of my fog." for the soul master, i harm a family man who is a snake is boring, also, i thing he is good and what is pu loud: "meteor" wild and fierce group of red light gold, respectively, more hits. it is the soul master, in the rush to war, his gray wood on the emergence of money in, waving a cyclone, i was floating in a hurry to form a pattern of gray skull. with a thud, then he issued me a golden mirror gray skeleton armor of god in mind of mad cow disease was fighting off a wooden figure of a red hit invisible



dis;con;tin;ue pronunciation: function: verb etymology: middle english, from anglo-french discontinuer, from medieval latin discontinuare, from latin dis- + continuare to continuedate: 14th centurytransitive verb 1 : to break the continuity of : cease to operate, administer, use, produce, or take2 : to abandon or terminate by a legal discontinuanceintransitive verb : to come to an endsynonyms see stop— dis;con;tin;u;a;tion noun